Mediation of commercial and labor disputes

Whether you are at work, in business, in the operation of your company, or in your daily life, such as in your neighbourhood, or have suffered damage to your rights in dealing with your bank, including damage to your reputation, our solicitor team at Westlink Legal can reach out to you to resolve your problem. Mediation is a non-legal method. However, the reasonable use of this methods can solve the problem efficiently. 


If you are an employer, then we can advise you on your company’s labour compliance and avoid the possibility of your company becoming a defendant. For employers, it is important to be reasonable in the type of work you are hiring and to meet the requirements of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). If you are unsure of the rights and obligations of different labour relationships, you could choose to consult with a professional solicitor.

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) handles cases of unreasonable or unlawful termination by employers, while the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) handles cases of wage garnishment by employers. If an employer is found to be at fault, both agencies will impose fines and warnings on the employer.


If you are an employee, Australia is a country that protects workers. General wage issues are dealt with by the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO). If an employee receives unfair treatment such as unlawful dismissal, then the employee can take action against the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for their right to work.

Usually, we focus more on using mediation to resolve labour issues.

What is the legal way to pay employees?

Minimum wage

The minimum wage for employees in Australia in 2022 is $21.38 per hour. Contract workers do not have a minimum wage and are paid based on the amount of work they do, the more they do, the more they earn.


Labour law requires employers to provide employees with benefits and entitlements such as sick leave, annual leave, maternity leave, overtime pay, pension, etc. The benefits for contract workers will be based on the contract, and the contract worker and the employer can negotiate and reach a consensus.

Salary reference and Awards (industry standard)

Different occupations in Australia have different pay scales and different benefits. Employers and employees can check the FWO website for industry-specific pay rates and the benefits they are entitled to. If an employer offers wages or benefits that do not meet Awards (industry standards), then the employee can report it to the FWO. The consequences may have serious implications for the employer, so please ask for details.